Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Courage and Faith

Do you ever wonder why God sends certain people into your life? Two years ago a couple came into our spiritual family and into our hearts; friendly, loving, beautiful Godly people. She has cancer. It isn't going to go away.

The home they bought was to be their retirement home...this, they said, was to be their retirement month. However, now, because of insurance he has the need to work a few more years. They have found a house close to where he works. They are going to leave us.

They asked that the elders come and pray for them before they go.
Last night several of us sat with them, and we expressed our sorrow at her suffering and their leaving. There were shared tears and even laughter.

When asked what their prayer request was, she said she knows she will never be cancer free, but she intends to live a long time and she just wants us to pray that her body will be strong and the pain not too hard to bear. Their son works for Merck and he has told them new medications are coming out all the time. She is asking to have enough time to possibly receive one of these new drugs.

There is no bitterness in them, no railing at God as to why this had to happen to them-just courage and faith. Maybe that is why God sent them to us-a reminder of how we are to live our lives.

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So Long Ol' Friend

So Long Ol' Friend
If you smile, I will-Stormy & Kate 1999

So Long Ol' Friend

So Long Ol' Friend
Glenn & Stormy 1978

Samuel K Jennings

Samuel K Jennings
The inscription on the marker is nearly obliterated by time, but one of Charles' cousins had a new marker placed there.

Lisa and Me

Lisa and Me
What a beautiful little...conehead?

Charles & Lisa - 1964

Charles & Lisa - 1964
About 10:00 a.m. every morning Charles would come to the house, take a break with Lisa, and rock. If he didn't come, she would cry! A daddy's girl at two months of age!

Lisa & Tristan 1997

Lisa & Tristan 1997
My baby and hers. The one who said as a college freshman she was NEVER having a kid was now a mother...and loving every minute of it.

Lisa & Mackenzie - 1999

Lisa & Mackenzie - 1999
She liked that one so much she had another one in 1999. A beautiful little much like her mother...:)